Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Meaning of Rush's Clockwork Angels Runes

This post found here gives an educated guess to the runes appearing on the cover of their upcoming concept album.  It also outlines the possible story.  Personally I think the symbol at 4 o'clock means "Fuck it.  Let's go bowling".  Note that this album will be released alongside a book.  The novelization is a collaboration between Rush lyricist and drummer Neil Peart and sci-fi author Kevin J. Anderson.

Note the clock is set at 21:12.  2112 is dystopian/totalitarian cyberpunk themed.  CA is a more positive steampunk themed based in sci-fi, and alchemy.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Wartard: Get out of my head!

This guy is able to express what's in my head about where the world is heading.  He nails it on the head (except for the Viking stuff, that's just weird) in this post:

Man wakes up from decade long coma and figures he's living in an Orwellian dystopia.